Saturday, March 12, 2005

Knock Knock...

mid term tests are finally over for me! yuppie!...
but the exams are coming soon (again)...haha...

wow, looks like we have lots of poems here...haha...
but that's the point! post whatever you like here and share it with everyone!

well, june you are not really complaining alot. mine was even more last semester..haha...

I think the only possible time when i do not have any "dead" atmosphere in my class is when there's something called "participation" points. Meaning to say that whenever you present your solutions in class, the tutor will take down your name and marks will be given based on how well you have presented your solutions/participated in class during the whole semester. That's when everyone will "volunteer" to go up to the board to write out their solutions and do presentations. But what can we say? Like what one of my lecturers said, we are competing among ourselves.

If you want the grades, you just got to do it. Even if it seems more like going "for the sake of marks" rather than "for the sake of learning". of course, there are people who can't be bothered to even do anything about it, but frankly speaking, these are really the minority.

well, gotto go...
take care everyone! especially June!

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