Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Uncanny Flight

I rode home, one day
But to my dismay
A trench I whacked
Flew over the handlebars!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Knock Knock...

mid term tests are finally over for me! yuppie!...
but the exams are coming soon (again)...haha...

wow, looks like we have lots of poems here...haha...
but that's the point! post whatever you like here and share it with everyone!

well, june you are not really complaining alot. mine was even more last semester..haha...

I think the only possible time when i do not have any "dead" atmosphere in my class is when there's something called "participation" points. Meaning to say that whenever you present your solutions in class, the tutor will take down your name and marks will be given based on how well you have presented your solutions/participated in class during the whole semester. That's when everyone will "volunteer" to go up to the board to write out their solutions and do presentations. But what can we say? Like what one of my lecturers said, we are competing among ourselves.

If you want the grades, you just got to do it. Even if it seems more like going "for the sake of marks" rather than "for the sake of learning". of course, there are people who can't be bothered to even do anything about it, but frankly speaking, these are really the minority.

well, gotto go...
take care everyone! especially June!


How's everyone? I guess all the Uni people are busy with their mid-term tests which explains why all the recent posts are made by Mun Thye rite?

It's been 2 weeks of uni in Melbourne and I'm dying under all the biochem!! Thermodynamics + Enzymes + Organic Chem... Yupz and it's just the 2nd week. I also have a MCQ test which takes up 10% of my exam marks just before Easter. It's also a misconception that the average Aussie student is slack, so whoever said that studying in Aust is easier than Singapore had better think twice. You've got a lot of competition coming from all directions.

But life is generally alright... The food is not too bad if you like western stuff. But the chinese food is always too salty as it has been moderated to suit the Aussie tastebuds... Melbourne weather is crazy too. Over here, it's a good idea to check the weather forecasts cuz you can get 4 seasons in a day. There's a fair drinking culture here as well, which is absolutely bores me since I don't drink or at least I'm not comfortable with drinking with people I just come to know.

Looks like I'm complaining a lot rite? Haha...

But the Aussies are really very nice people. You can just about talk to anyone on the streets. They are generally receptive to everyone and you can always count on them to speak up in class so there isn't a "dead" atmosphere in all my classes.

Hope everyone is doing well in Singapore... Good luck for all those irritating mid-term tests and enjoy the mid-term break! Take care=)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Hush your weeping...

My dear, hush your weeping,
It is not the End,
At least, not yet.

They were there with you before,
They'll come again, soon.
Weep not, my dear, weep not,
For soon their fondness will find
Their way to you again,
When you need most their adoration and comfort.

So, my dear, hush your weeping,
It is not the End,
At least, not yet.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ten Years Down

Ten years down
When you and I have grown older,
We may meet again, to say hi,
For tea, and a little nostalgia.
But will all these really be
When each has gone deep into the chosen path?

Whence we meet
Shall be a time for rejoicing;
Past enmity forgotten,
Friendships reawakened,
But that shall be ten years down.

No one knows what happens in ten years,
Consider it karma, or anything else similar,
I may be long gone from the world, so can someone else;
So let's treasure our old classmates
Before they are all gone.

Monday, February 14, 2005

S3 Dysfunctionality


We, we are from S3!
The most dys-functional fami-lee!
We meet on-lee if we wish,
Yet at the end it's like fish-in,
With guys and gals all sep-arated!

We, we are from S3!
The most dys-functional fami-lee!
From the As to Bs
Cs all the way to Ws,
We all just miss when we meet!

We, we are from S3!
The most dys-functional fami-lee!
So, see me, see me,
Saw me, saw me, literal-lee!

Pictures From The_Laptop

Hi all! The pictures that I took yesterday are available by these links:

Group Picture
Our Class Girls who turned up
Me and June
Qing Yao and June
Parting Part 1
Parting Part 2

Sorry about this messy way... I'm doing everything illegally (ie in pmac) so it is quick and dirty. Found out that the excessive lines are the cause of the shift of the links. *blush*

Probably will fix the thingy when I get the chance to. :-)

Once again, good luck June!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Happy CNY!!!


How's the new year? Hope it's been prosperous and everyone has had a good rest over the CNY public holidays to recharge for the coming year=) Sorry that I took so long to respond to Mun Thye's post, but well, better late than never... My flight is on 13 Feb 2050pm terminal 2. I'll have to be at the airport at least 2h earlier as I have to check in my luggage. Please don't feel obliged to come send me off k? Have a good year ahead. May health, wealth and happiness be with everyone... Take care...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

GONG XI GONG XI..Happy New Year!

Hello people..

i just came back from tekong yesterday after a 15 days stint stay. hope you all did enjoy the steamboat that day. my apologies for not being there.

anyway, here's wishing all of you a happy chinese new year! may you prosper in whatever aspects you want prosper!


p/s: if you are free, do try my game at http://www.geocities.com/nbkai/memretro_splash.htm . created out of boredom while i was ooc..haha.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Sending June off

Yup! June's flying off on 13 Feb (Sun), and let's all send her off in style.

Question is, I don't think we know the flight details :-P Maybe June can furnish the details here?

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Updated List

quoted from qy in comments:

btw, here's the updated namelist(the no. of ppl seem to have decrease,
for that..but erm hey!! not my fault..haha )-->
june,yongji,peiyi,mel,munthye,pauline,edward,jiren,chinghua(?!?!)sadu(COMING-updated on 25 jan),zhengtong(?!?!),tong rui(COMING-updated on 25 jan),harish(COMING-updated on 26 jan),me!

?!?!?! -- indicates status unknown,either they have replied to my first
sms and not the second one or in the case of zhengtong,he had severe fever
last week and is unsure whether he can still go....erm...

those who cant go:
bk -- reason in the previous post
harish -- COMING-updated on 26 jan
wu di -- watching performance
weihong -- coms ball
tong rui -- COMING-updated on 25 jan
karen -- npcc

See you guys soon!

Friday, January 21, 2005

29th Jan Marina Bay MRT Station 6pm

like the title suggests we will be going marina bay on the 29th jan..
meet at the control station at 6pm...pls be punctual!
going to have steamboat...

so till then, take care everyone! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Apologies for 29th Jan Gathering

Hello people,

as it goes..i will not be able to make it for the above gathering as i would be at camp for 2 weeks for training till chinese new year.
just to update..i have been on a re-course in sispec, tekong for the past 6 weeks..and 4 more to go officially. so i can't help it sometimes when there's training stretching from week to week..
my apologies for this. i will update if there are any changes ahead.. Have Fun!


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

What do we do on 29 Jan?

Yeah, what do we do on 29 Jan? Eat? Watch a movie? TCSS? What else?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Gathering on 29th Jan

from the sms responses that i have gotten so far...29th jan seems to be okie at the moment.

Those who have replied and will be/might be able to make it on 29th (including those on this blog):
peiyi,karen,mel,bk,munthye,zhengtong,tong rui,yongji,june,sadu,jiren,pauline,ME

Those who have not replied/unable to make it on 29th:
chinghua(can go if it's on a sunday,not sure for sat)
wu di(watching performance on 29th)
yixiu(is she still in singapore??)

Did i miss out anyone??

Just to say hi

hi everyone!

Who's who?

I know almost everyone except one.

Who is vjc02s35@hotmail.com???

29 Jan? Aiyoh... How come not 22?

Okay... I'm fine on the 29. But I still think that 22 is the best day for festivities though... ;-)

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Gathering on 29th

Yo people,
Just to inform that i shd be fine for the 29th gathering, although my training programme isn't out yet for tt day..but sat night shd be good to go.. So, will be back in 2 weeks to check out the venue and time.
Have fun people, see you all!



Who write one?!
Must be mun thye..
But, hahaha, ya la I think he has a err, significant influence on our class -_-"
29th ah...
But can the rest make it?
those who aren't on the site..


Anyone kind to enlighten me why "under the ever watchful eye of the Foo"?

foo sb will be so glad to hear that he had such a big influence on our class...

Gathering on 29th Jan

okie, thanks everyone!
looks like we will set the date as 29th Jan then! :D

I will sms everyone abt the time and venue soon..
and yup, it will be a dinner!!
Any suggestions where we can go for dinner?

school starting on monday...well for some of us, sch has already started..

study hard girls!
take care!

Gathering ah......

I may not be able to make it on 29th leh...
And I happen to noe 23rd is the day the officers commission rite??
So dun think they'll be able to make it on the 22nd.
Though I'm sure it is an excellent day for festivities. haha.
AND I'm so sorry I can't make it on 15th coz Mayday will be performing at the ALive! concert and I just HAVE TO be there :)
So....dat leaves.................

Oh oh i can make it on 29th!!
Nite la..dinnner rite?
I can I can..
Karen can..
The rest?
I think it's a not bad date :)

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hi all.. Karen dao4 ci3 yi4 you2 *winkz*

will not be available till 29 jan.. have appointments on both saturdays 15 n 22 jan..

so i m for 29 jan..

Friday, January 07, 2005

Dates for chow and gathering

22 Jan! 22 Jan! 22 Jan! It is an *excellent* day for festivities. Trust me! Yeah, yay!


hmmm..i'm fine wif any la..=p

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Gathering in Jan 2005

Erm, why not everyone tell me which date they prefer?
1) 15th Jan
2) 22nd Jan
3) 29th Jan

Hope i get some responses soon....:)

Monday, January 03, 2005

Just a very wu liao post=)

Hey everyone...
Think I'm gonna make it a point to post a msg everytime I turn on my laptop... Haha.. Sorry I've got nothing better to do... Although it's the second day 2005, but still... Happy New Year!!!!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Merry New Year from BK

Hello everyone. BK here. hope everyone still remembers me.. cos i'm practically lost in tekong for the past 9 months.

well, yeah, i've always been in tekong since my enlistment. i went out of course in july due to knee injury, then stayed in my company doing admin wk. now i'm back in course, having a 5 mths lag compared to those who were enlisted same time as me. look..weihong is commisioning soon..and i'm still here at sispec..can see how far back i am. anw congrats to weihong!

anyway, tt aside, i have to say tt i can't make it for 15 jan. i will not be booking out on tt weekend for some missions, so cannot lor. perhaps the weekend aft 15?

btw thank u qy for creating this blog. blog is hotting up in the world right now..so it's a good time to create this for the class. i was just thinking abt it recently tt there are no venues for the class to communicate..since the last 02s35 space has apparently been lost.

with tt..have a good new year. the tragic tsunami rocked the world..so new year's day didnt seem to be like one. take good care of yourself, and do whatever you please when you can..when you still can.


Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy 2005

Dear all of 02S35...
Juz wanna wish everyone a very very happy 2005. A good beginning is as good as half the battle won... Hope everybody's new year was spent with their loved ones and here's wishing everyone the best of health and may 2005 be a better year than 2004, with lesser catastrophes and natural disasters. I'll be leaving for Melbourne to study physiotherapy on Feb 13 so hopefully I can meet up with as many of everyone as possible. Take care everyone and hope to see you all really soon=)

Happy New Year everyone!

2005 is here...
Hey everyone, how abt a class gathering on the 15th Jan?
our dear june is leaving for australia soon, so let's meet up for a dinner k?

hope i can get some replies here..
anw, happy new year again!