Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec 2012!

Hello once again! Did everyone have an enjoyable time trying to catch the magical date of 12/12/12 12:12:12? The next one is coming in around 80+ years (01/01/01 01:01:01), where all of us are getting way too old (assuming we are still alive and all). I know this is, as always, a futile attempt at keeping a rather ancient blog alive, but someone has to do it. Maybe 20 years from now, someone does a search on "02S35" and suddenly rediscovers this, triggering nostalgia... Of course I'm kidding. No one would ever do that, right? =P For those of you out there who believe the world ends on Dec 21, 2012 when the Mayan long count calendar rolls over, I wish you peace. To the rest of us, have a happy Friday. And now, back to the usual programme of silence and lurking. Till the next update. ;-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Time!

So it's finally summer time over where I am in the US, and it reminds me of some of the more carefree moments that we had when we were still in JC. Come to think of it, it has been nine years since we all graduated as a class. Maybe we should arrange for a ten-year anniversary meeting when 2013 comes by. Welp, looks like I'm still the only person who comes here often enough to say some things to keep things alive. Maybe this will all be futile, but who knows? Already our generation is losing attachment to the physical realm, maybe this is just a simple way of maintaining a link back to the past in the hopes that one day far far in the future (assuming hasn't gone the way of the dodo), we might look back at this in nostalgia and remind ourselves of a time that we once shared together.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Heyo! It's me once again talking on this rather quiet blog. It has been roughly five to six months since the last time I spoke here; I wonder what has changed among us. I don't really have the chance to hang out with anyone these days, well partly because I'm not in the correct country, and partly because everyone has more or less started to get used to the notion of being an adult and doing adulty things, like work, play, travel, finding a spouse...

But aanyway, over here where I am, winter seems to have finally loosened her cold grip upon the earth, and spring is seemingly coming to take her place. Already the weather is much warmer and the sunlight more plentiful than before. I hope that everyone is having as good a time as spring is showing.

Alright then, that's my little update on this blog just to keep it a little less dead, just in case any one of us old timers of 02S35 decide to drop by and see how's it going.

Till the next update, take care, stay strong, and have a wonderful time.