Tuesday, September 04, 2007

No Updates in Email Since No One Gives A Shit.

Since the emails are not forthcoming, I'm gonna throw my hands up and surrender from this stupid and futile job.

Why do I even care is one thing that I cannot comprehend...


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Updating of the old class list

Okay, I'm going to sound like a real retard by saying all these, but I think that it'd be nice if folks can send me updated contact information. Useful things include:
  1. Current email address
  2. MSN/AIM/Yahoo!/Jabber/whatever link
  3. Primary Singapore contact number
  4. Other contact number (please state location like country/office etc)
  5. Any other information that you'd like to share with other folks
I'll try to put together an updated class list as soon as I possibly can. For folks that anyone knows who doesn't exist on this blog, please help to contact the said personnel to send the updated information to me.

Send replies to the usual addresses. I originally left my email here, but the spammers are coming for me yet again.

To the spammers: fsck you and go fsck.ext2 or something. *growls*

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Where I am now..

Hi all,

Thanks the laptop for the very consistent 'checks' on us your fellow classmates.. so i've decided to reply in a new post, rather than append as a comment.

Well maybe i be the first to answer your question, or rather, interest. : )

Yes, everyone is busy with their lives nowadays and i'm not too different. I'm currently working at Citi (the private banking sector of Citi, formerly known as Citigroup), as a summer intern, and i'm having a great time there. Great colleagues, great jobscope, and great experience thus far. The internship is actually not part of my studies, it's more of a part time job i shd say, got to know an ex prof and i was brought there to do some web design for them, plus lots of chapalan jobs. This job ends 31 jul, where i wud have a good 2 weeks to relac jack before embracing the second year in Electrical Engin (NUS).

On top of that, i'd be interviewed for a possible attempt in DDP for Engin and BBA. That'd keep me as a student for the next good 4 years, in which i think eventually i might tend towards the business side, rather than the Engin side. Engin is too technical for me these days. ; )

As a cca i have my soon-to-be one year old online tuition agency which isn't quite working out. Thinking of shutting it down come september. If you can, visit it before it does go into history.. : ) (DeLite Student Help Community)

Otherwise life's pretty stale but stable for me, no girlfriend(s), no much post work activities, just all the usual weekly runs and occasional bowling. Probably mr mak before u leave for the states again meetup for a drink, food or sth!

Yeap, that wraps up for me. Hope fully this triggers a chain reaction of replies to this interesting question! : )

Take care!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Where's Everyone Now?

Hi folks, I know everyone's busy with their lives, but what interests me is this simple question: Where's everyone now? We all know that our current situation can be split among a few categories, namely
  1. graduates (local)
  2. graduates (overseas)
  3. second years (local)
  4. second years (overseas)
So the curious thing is, where's everyone now? And what plans are there?

And no, this is not an attempt at doing social engineering—it's cool to know where all our old classmates are every now and then.

Cheers and take care all!


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

26th May 2007 Lunch

Hi everyone,

Here are the details of the lunch meeting on this coming saturday.

26th May 2007
Marina Square Jack's Place 12pm

Alternatively, some of us will be meeting at city hall mrt control station at 1145

See ya all on sat!


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Touch Down!

Okay peepz, I'm safe and sound in Singapore now; just need to wait for the airline to actually find my luggage.

So, we can all meet up really soon. I think that some of the other dudes and dudettes are also in town now. Please reply to this email to arrange for meet-ups.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Thanks The Laptop

Hi all,

Just wanna express heartfelt thanks to The Laptop for his efforts in coordinating and maintaining this blog of wonders. : )

Hope everyone's been doing fine! Any chances of meetup anytime in the summers?


Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's Finally Done!

Blogger's successfully converted our blog.

Please all, re-accept the invitations~!

Sorry once again for the inconvenience.

The invitations are sent to the original addresses that were on file with blogger. For the few people whom I know updated addresses for, I've redirected the invitations to them instead.

This should take a little while for everyone to put together properly.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Hi all, if you've not checked your email (but are checking this blog), please do so now.

It contains some hints with regards to the upgrading of this blog on the last day of February.


Friday, January 12, 2007

How's everyone?

How's everyone? Are you all fine? Is life treating you all well?

I hope everyone's fine, and have a safe year ahead.
