Tuesday, December 07, 2010

It's A December Romp!

*cracks knuckles and stretches*

It is the December of 2010, and once more it appears to be the time for me to pen something here. It’s quite hilarious actually, considering that each time I write here, I have a tendency to whinge and gripe about how I’m the only person to write and threaten to stop writing, only to keep coming back, like some moth towards the electrifying lights of the bug killer.

But then again, if I don’t keep writing here, who is going to maintain this little corner of the web that we have managed to corral off from the rest of the world to host what is left of our cohesiveness?

Anyway, December. That’s right. Another six months (seven actually!) since I have written, and about five since Harish wrote the last entry (Harish my good man! Thanks for aiding me in creating some content for this place!). Most of the guys have already graduated by now and are somewhere in the work force, either plotting the next Google-book or collecting taxes from all of the rest of us (I’m looking at you, Sadu heheheh). Or like some of us poorer folks, we’re just selling our souls to our overlords for some paltry sum of money so that we may live yet another day to sell them even more of our soul ad nauseum.

But December! December is an awesome month! Not because there’re lots of activities to work on, but that every working person would be looking forward to one thing: bonus! That’s right! The bonus that we have all been working for… what is everyone going to do with them? Pay taxes with them (glances at Sadu again… I know it’s not quite right, but I’m still getting a kick from this), splurge on the year end food/​ball, or save it away at the paltry 0.0001% interest that we can get out of the bank (ouch!). I’m probably saving it for the taxman, but hey, everyone has a different idea on what money is useful for.

So we had a nice meet up the last time, some time in November if memory serves me well (that one is kinda going downhill these days). It was nice but it could have been more kick-ass, if not for the fact that people were sort of missing overall, and some folks just cleanly forgot, or somehow managed to not be involved. Food was excellent (all you care to eat buffet on Indian food) and the company was pleasant. If you couldn’t turn up, well hopefully you should try to come to the next one that might be planned some time in the future; I’m not sure when it will be, but considering that I’m mostly the instigator for all these things, I might have a clue about this in about five months’ time.

Alright, this tirade is getting on my nerves. But I’m just rambling because I need to wait for my little experiment to conclude before I can knock-off for the day. And because of the preternatural need of all humans to procrastinate whenever they can, legitimately or not, you get a new post on this rather quiet blog.
