Monday, May 10, 2010

May 2010! An Update! Woo Wee!

Huzzah huzzah, it’s the month of May, and like always, this place is deader than a door nail. Man, each time I write anything here, I keep asking myself: is it really worth the effort to keep this place running at all? I mean, I have no idea how many people actually come here to read whatever is posted (I know how many people actually post here: try one), and this casts serious doubt to whether it is necessary for me to actually keep trying to resurrect this place once every few months just to keep things a little more fresh than the deadness and desolation that seems to have permeated through this place.

Anyway, half a year is almost gone for the year 2010, almost only since it is just the beginning of May. To be technical about it of course, at most one third of the year is gone, but I suppose by the time anyone notices this post, it would probably be June and thus the statement is justified. Okay, that’s enough rambling on the date issue—​​bigger fish to fry.

I suppose with each passing month/​year, everyone drifts ever further away from each other. This is the law of how things work, and there’s really nothing anyone can do about it. The concept of a ‘class’ back in school is in many ways an artificial grouping induced by educators with the sole purpose of allowing a better management of both material and human resources by providing a self-identifiable group for people to be involved with, thus creating the microcosms that are necessary in the maintenance of peace and the veneer of cooperation. So, in view of that highly unsubstantiated allegation, it is most natural that at the end of a decade or so, all of us have dispersed away from that artificial grouping to seek out new groups to belong to, both artificial and natural.

But enough of speculation! I know that it is a fruitless exercise to keep talking here, but I suppose as the resident noise maker, it is my duty (and perhaps even right!) to keep saying things here ever so often on the off chance that folks who drop by will have something new to feast their eyes on, thus ensuring that they will keep coming back once every bunch of months just to see if they are lucky enough to find that I have posted something new. Again, I apologise for the general digression.

So how’s life? A most standard question in the age of self-identity complications. Why do I claim self-identity complications here? Most of us are at the age that borders between the molly-coddled past of the education system and the harsh realities that make up the working life. And among the myriad of options and paths to choose from comes the entire issue of what the self is. While many believe that there is a certain permanent persona that remains at the core of all that one does, I believe that the self is an evolving concept that is wholly context and environmentally sensitive. The only consistent thing in the universe is the law of change—​change is the only thing that is ever present, and any other form of permanence is either an illusion or a delusion. But of course, I digress once more. The answer to the standard question is perhaps something that is more important than the metaphysical babble that I am positing here, and so the answer is here: life is good. Hiccups along the way, and minor obstacles abound, but nothing truly lethal—​as they say, what doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger, and I suppose for most people, this is how their lives are right now.

Enough of the talk from me! Dear Fellow Classmate Who Chances Upon This Post, how is your life?