Friday, December 15, 2006

Another season is over

And so it came to pass, Fall, where sweet winds and chilly rains come and go. Out here, in the wilderness far away from home, I await the day where I get to return to where I had came from. T'is but another season or two to pass, before I have the opportunity to take a trip back to my hometown.

A home away from home, that's where I am now. Where people are cordial and friendly, yet seem distant at times. Nostalgia hits when I see old photographs of people and places that I've met and once been to; I dream of the past, where life was simpler, more jovial, and the people were more familiar. I look forward to the future, where the lightness of day beckons, and the coolness of night heralds. Sitting alone once again in my room, thinking of the words to put on the blog, I can't help but think of the times where I was once part of a great class, 02S35.

Though spread far and wide through the world, we all shared a common past, a common history, a moment in time. A time where Fate brought us a chance encounter that altered our viewpoints, that altered our lives, that altered our reality. A time where we were still together.

In the silence of the moonless night, I sit, and wonder, yearning for a day where we will all meet up once more, to chit and to chat, and to talk of the good days that were past.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hello from the States

Hi all. Am in the States and am safe and sound (somewhat). I guess that's all I will say now.

Take care~

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fare thee well, my friend

And so it come to pass, that I'll be embarking on another phase of my life in another astral plane. As it stands today, I've already drifted far away from you all, but that is hardly new, as I was never too close to you all to begin with.

I thank all for the times we had, I thank all for the pain we shared, I thank all for the company. Though I may not have spoken to all of you at the same close level, your presence is something that I will always miss when I'm gone.

Thanks to BK for the initial boost in J1 and the carrom and wrestling; thanks to Harish for being the support guy; thanks to Sadu for all the fun times; thanks to Jiren for being L****'s second favourite student; thanks to Edward for being L****'s favourite student; thanks to Wudi for his empowering presence; thanks to Zhengtong for being an inspiration as the class polar bear; thanks to Chinghua for being the loyal friend he is; thanks to Yongji for showing me a different type of life; thanks to Weihong for pushing me even further in J2; thanks to Qingyao for giving me confidence in myself; thanks to Peiyi for concurring with Qingyao about my eyes; thanks to Melissa for providing much needed comic relief; thanks to Pauline for being a part of the class; thanks to Karen for showing me how far one can go in AO Chinese; thanks to Yixiu for showing me how soft steeliness can be noncontradictory; thanks to Andrea for helping me deflect arrows and lastly, thanks to June for helping me realise that I am human after all.


I guess it is time to just say; until we meet again.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Swan song performance

Hi all. Just wanted to invite those of you still in Singapore on 29 Jul 2006 to support me in my final performance with my Chinese Orchestra before I set off for my further studies.

Details can be found here.

Thanks for your support! :-)

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Just saw some new entries in this blog and thought I'd just put in my 2 cents worth too...

About the class outing... Sorry I couldn't be there... =( I'm still stuck in Australia fighting my demons (exams!!) Even as I'm blogging now, I still have 2 more prac exams next week... So yea... Please understand...But, from what I heard from Qingyao, I thought the class gathering went rather well... Attendance was more than half rite? So what's the problem?

If it helps, maybe we can organise another end of this year (when I come home =p)? This year is the year of our 21st birthdays and we all deserve a celebration for making it thus far... I really do miss Singapore... And believe it or not, I actually do miss jc... Back then, everything was much simpler and I also had better work ethics...

Hope everyone's well...

Take care!

Oh and Happy 'Be-early' 21st Birthday BK =)

I beg to differ

Hi all!

It's to a little of my amazement to read what the_laptop state in the last post. well, at least for the first part of it with regards to the 'dysfunctionalism' of the class.

i have a differing opinion. as disappointing or sad this may sound, what and where the class is today is nothing but a consequence of consequences. definitely so many things happened since we graduated from vj, pple leaving for other countries at one stage, pple suffering in the army, pple having other aims in minds, pple returning back to their homelands.. etc. you name them, we most certainly have them. we couldn't have controlled that. perhaps we could have reduced the effects of 'dysfunctionalism' today, but we didn't. hence, today's state. there's no one to be blamed. not even the class as a whole.

however, yes, i very much agree with the fact that we MUST keep in contact for many reasons. it is another aspect of our lives and how we should cherish it, since it was part and parcel of our growing up stage in the past. and for the point about being more enthusiastic, probably we cannot discreetly put it upfront, thrown on everyone of our faces, saying "Hey, you you you, you have to be MORE enthusiastic in maintaining contact with who who who". It's by far unnatural and would not lead to anything positive, except for the feeling that we are OBLIGED to do so.. rather than we have a choice to. The OBLIGATION leads to unhappiness and probably unwillingness to be gelled in for the future.

put it simply, we can have the aim of maintaining contact in mind, yet, not putting it upfront. regular class outings and meals, like the one recently had does the job. probably we took too long to organise that, but in my view, it was a good step, perhaps a baby little step to somewhat patch up what we have seemingly lost in these 3 years, the transition years. it's good effort and we MUST continue to do that.

that aside, yes, i'm here to post something. perhaps we could use this space to share ideas, to write your experiences, grievances.. and not only as a place where we arrange meet ups. probably we can do that. it lies inside each of our hearts..

i'm guilty, as well. for whichever reasons, bygones are bygones. let's look ahead to a livelier S35 blogspot!

so much said, my short post actually: i'm going to genting in a few hours. i'm gonna stomp into the CASINOS at 0000hrs sharp on 13 jun 2006, as i officially turn ADULT suddenly. to think 12 jun 06 2359hrs i would still be a young punk.

k, got to have a rest, till next time, see ya all!


Saturday, June 10, 2006

Contacts, once lost, become very hard to be regained...

It's quite sad to note that our class is so dysfunctional. Sure, everyone has their own lives to lead now, some are chasing skirts (and er... pants?), others are chasing $$$, some going for power and others for whatever reasons that make them happy.

Shouldn't we be a little more active in pursuing the maintenance of contact?

Barring any supposed positive gains (ie networking etc), maintaining some form of good contact within a social network is a good way to help maintain one part of your psyche.

People, despite what everyone says, are defined by their memories. And memories are defined by experiences. And experiences are defined by the people, places and environment at that point of time.

Sure, some of you might not want to see someone any more, but you cannot deny that that person was part of your life during that period (think Leong, Kwek, F. Su).

Granted, tutors are too distant to maintain contact. But how about us? We are from S35, one of the most unique and weird class that VJ has ever seen. Shouldn't we be a little more enthusiastic in maintaining contact?

Yes, I'm starting to sound like I'm nagging, but hear me out. This blog is open; anyone can come in and post something, anything. Just a little post, maybe a simple comment, is all it takes to show that you are still in touch with the rest of the people.

Contacts, once lost, become very hard to be regained...

Perhaps, at the next scheduled (or ad hoc) meet up, there'll be more who will come together.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


is this blog alive?

is everyone going to be around may - june?
we should plan something.


Friday, January 13, 2006


As the days pass,
And the new year comes,
We realise that as S35,
We are now 21...
(Well most...)

As adults and adults to be,
Different roads we will take,
But at the end of it all,
May we meet again..